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Country Style Designs Blog Train has now left the station!

>> Friday, January 1, 2010


January Blog Train has left the station.
The following blogs below have got thier kits all ready to go.
So go gather you up some freebies!

Here is the link to my part of the kit!

Mischief Scrapz Jan Blog Train

Mischief Scrapz would like to Present:.....

A Touch Of Velvet Blog Train!! Please enjoy all the freebies these ladies have worked so hard on for your enjoyment!
Be sure to read all T.O.U's and MOST importantly leave some love to show your appreciation to these great Designers.....

Here is my part of the train

Blog List Below....

Blog Train Ad Home

Black Widow Creationz

Charlie Online

JaLeeRenee Did It

Jt's Designs

Mischief Designz

S.G. Rowe Designs

WackyWinnie Designz

Awards My Blog Has won


Sites Of Intrest

cbh - scrapbook freebies search engine

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